About Me

A little about me...  I absolutely love living in Southwest Florida.  We moved here six years ago from Southwestern Pennsylvania.  We decided to set out and embark in a new adventure and move 17 hours away from our family and friends so that I could pursue two of my dreams. I share the dream of moving to a warm all year round climate with my husband, but, I have also gotten to pursue the profession that I absolutely love and always wanted to do.  You guessed it to teach.   I am thankful for my supportive husband in this venture and our families.  When we moved 6 years ago and set out on this venture we were not sure how exactly it was going to work.  We have made a home here in Florida and neither of us would give that up for the world.   In our adventures we have been very fortunate and blessed with a home we own, acquired great dog named Cheyenne(Chey-Chey for short) from a friend who was moving and couldn't keep her any longer, got married and now have been blessed with a precious baby (who's not such a baby anymore) that is almost two.  Life is good and has many blessings.